Our Little Oaklee Rose was born Feb 17Th. We had our last doctors appt. on Tues Feb 15Th. When my doctor confirmed that we would indeed need a c-section. My pelvis is just too small to let my little one down. He said that there was no need to go past my due date (Feb 19Th). He asked us if we wanted to do the c-section on Wednesday or Thurs.. Rhett chose Thurs, he had already set up an appt to get our taxes done Wednesday night. I was so excited, nervous, sad you name it I was feeling it. At first I wasn't very happy about getting a C-section in fear that they wouldn't let Rhett be in the room when they gave me the spinal block to numb me. My doctor confirmed that Rhett would be playing a big part in that. The night of the 16Th and morning of the 17Th I could not sleep. I probably slept like 4 hours. I couldn't wait to meet my little one. They said that I couldn't eat or drink anything after 4am. I had my last drink of water at 3:50am. We had to be to the hospital at 10:30 am. The c-section was scheduled for 12 noon. We got there and they put us in room 201 had me get in the gown, leave a urine sample and started my IV. The doctor was running late because he had two other ladies in labor at Jordan Valley hospital. He got there around 12:15. At that point they had Rhett get in his little get up ( he looked so cute) They took us in our operating room. They put the blood clot socks on me. Had me lean on Rhett and started the Spinal Block. The numbing shots killed. I was squeezing Rhett's sides so hard and I had tears coming down my face. The nurse kept telling me that I was doing such a great job at holding still even though it felt like I was moving from squeezing so hard. I felt them put the spinal block in, mainly just pressure. That didn't hurt. Right before I felt the pressure the anesthesiologist asked for another needle. Come to find out that the first spinal needle had bent because he hit my bone. I never felt him hit it, I never felt pain from it after! Thank goodness!! We had our little girl about 5 to 10 mins after they started. ( Yes the rumors are true they do actually burn you open not cut and yes you can smell it) She was born at 12:40 pm weighing 7lbs and 1 oz 18 1/2 inches long. I had tears coming down my face the whole time. But Once I heard my little girl cry for the very first time I started crying even harder. It such a hard thing to describe the instant love that you have for that child. I loved her even more then when she was in my stomach. They brought her over to me still covered with the "cheese" I couldn't get over how cute she was. They let us take our first family pictures and then had to take Oaklee to the nursery because she had swolled some fuilds. She had to have oxygen for just a little bit. I guess that happens when you have c-sections. They we "putting" me back together with stitches and staples. Then they moved me to the recovery room and Rhett and Oaklee walked in. I had to be in the recovery room until I could move my feet. It took about an hour. Rhett and I used that time for just our little family!! I loved that hour where it was just my little family. Rhett then took her back to the nursery to have her first bath. He said that when they were taking her diaper off she had already pooped in it. Then they washed her put a new diaper on and she filled that. So they had to put another one on and she filled that. HAHA she went through three diapers so fast! I was taken to my room (223) I was in there waiting for Rhett to get back with Oaklee. They had given me ice chips, water and applesauce.. I threw up on myself twice. Rhett took lots of pictures of her. He is such a great daddy! He has been taking care of me and Oaklee since the 17Th. Not once complaining! I couldn't ask for a better husband or father! We couldn't be happier! We love our little family!
She's beautiful and I love all her hair! Welcome to mommyhood I hope you enjoy every minute of it!
Thanks Kaitlin!!! I'm very excited for this new adventure!!
Tina! Congrats! Your little one is the most beautiful baby in the world! I hope you are recovering quickly!
Thanks Bree!! The recovery is coming along.
Congrats! She is so beautiful!
She is seriously the cutest little thing! We love you guys!
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